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Structure and Aim of SATREPS

SATREPS is a Japanese government program that promotes international joint research. The program is structured as a collaboration between the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), which provides competitive research funds for science and technology projects , and the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development(AMED), which provides competitive research funds for medical research and development, and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) , which provides development assistance (ODA). Based on the needs of developing countries, the program aims to address global issues and lead to research outcomes of practical benefit to both local and global society. (quated from here

About TSUIB 
Our joint research group proposed the following project for  “Technical Development to Upgrade Structural Integrity of Buildings in Densely Populated Urban Areas and Its Strategic Implementation towards Resilient Cities in Bangladesh (TSUIB)” in the scope of SATREPS program and the TSUIB was adopted as a five year project during 2016 through 2021.

Why Bangladesh ? ​
Bangladesh is in significant economic development and cities like Dhaka have been densely populated during the last decade. It is located in potentially seismic zone but more than 100 years have passed since the last damaging earthquake in Dhaka.

The buildings before seismic design/retrofit are undoubtedly most  vulnerable (as was demonstrated in Turkey, Taiwan, Pakistan, Indonesia, … and Japan) in terms of low strength concrete, poorly provided /detailed  reinforcing bars, etc. To mitigate their earthquake damage, seismic evaluation and retrofit are needed.

JICA Technical Cooperation project CNCRP started in 2011 focusing on seismic evaluation and retrofit of buildings. From 2016, 2nd phase of CNCRP, named  BSPP project started. SATREPS-TSUIB will strongly support these projects from the academic field.​

Overall Goal

  • To reduce structural vulnerability for buildings in Bangladesh.

  • To enhance urban safety against earthquake in Bangladesh.

Project Purposes 

To develop strategies for urban safety upgrading of Dhaka focusing on technical aspects and their implementation

  1. New performance evaluation and retrofit schemes to avoid building collapse due to earthquake

  2. New approach to efficiently and effectively implement the schemes developed above

4 Major topics/themes

To achieve the goals and purposes, major 4 topics have been identified as below.

Organizations & Relations

Project Leaders
Dr. Yoshiaki Nakano
Professor, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo.
DG_Md_Ashraful Alam.jpg
Mr. Md. Ashraful Alam
Director General, Housing and Building Research Institute.
Working Group Leaders
Dr. Yoshiaki Nakano
Professor, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo.
Dr. Masaki Maeda
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University.
Dr. Yasushi Sanada
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University.
Dr. Michio Ubaura
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University.
Mr. Md. Ashraful Alam
Director, Housing and Building Research Institute.
Superintending Engineer,
Desgin Circle 1/2
Public Works Department
Dr. Iftekhar ANAM 
Professor, University of Asia Pacific.
Dr. Akter MAHMUD 
Professor, Jahangirnagar University.

© 2023 SATREPS-TSUIB All Rights Reserved.

4-6-1, Komaba, Meguro-ku,Tokyo, 153-8505

Nakano Laboratory, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo. 

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