Working Group 4 Members of Japan and Bangladesh met at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning (URP) of BUET on March 8th, 2018. Four members, including the leader Dr. Michio Ubaura, and a student of one of the members, attended the meeting from Japan side. From Bangladesh side, two members, along with some lecturers and researchers were present.
The meeting took place in two parts. In the first part, Dr. Ubaura presented about the objectives of the group and research updates from Japan side. Another presentation was given by Mr. Anisuzzaman, a graduate student of Yokohama National University. He talked about the risk analysis he has been doing for his Masters thesis.
In the second part, there were two special lectures by Dr. Mihoko Matsuyuki and Dr. Kazumasa Hanaoka on topics related to their research areas. A number of graduates of the Dept. of URP, most of whom work at RAJUK's Urban Resilience Project, were present for the special lectures.